
Social Value Marketplace Podcast: Episode 5 with David LePage

Aug 5th, 2020
Listen to Episode 5: The Way to a Marketplace Revolution
headshot of David Lepage wearing a suit while he smiles in front of greenery.

David LePage, managing partner of Buy Social Canada, has just written and released a new book, Marketplace Revolution — from Concentrated Wealth to Community Capital. In this well-timed and pioneering work, David makes it very clear that the pathway to a more egalitarian and healthy society is in plain view.

In straightforward and practical terms he shows how the purchasing power community anchor institutions like cities, hospitals, universities, and businesses could create an entirely different kind of economy, one he calls a Social Value Marketplace.

The aim of this Marketplace Revolution is to leverage current economic transactions for social good. David outlines how social procurement could create economic demand for social enterprises. Those enterprises engage in marketplace activities for social aims. Bringing social purchasers together with social-good providers has the potential to reorient our economic system to community building rather than the concentration of wealth.

The implications are far reaching. Workplaces providing services in this marketplace as well those purchasing those services would find themselves enlivened by a sense of connection, wholeness, and social purpose. Work would be more whole and egalitarian. Wealth redistribution would begin to occur in natural and healthy ways. Taxpayers would realize better value for their money as tax revenue would be better flowed to intentionally address social possibilities and less into private hands for private use. Of course this marketplace also requires social value finance and investment. David rounds out the ecology by calling on foundations and social financiers to step up their game too, to outdo each other with social goals as their yardstick of success.

In this episode of the Buy Social Canada Social Value Marketplace podcast, I first ask David to reflect on his recent digital book launch. Then we touch on each element of the Social Value Marketplace. And finally, David invites you to events and initiatives if you too would like to join this Marketplace Revolution.

Visit this link to get your copy of Marketplace Revolution — from Concentrated Wealth to Community Capital by David Lepage. 

This podcast is brought to you by Buy Social Canada in collaboration with Axiom News.

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