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A Guide to Social Procurement
This guidebook is an introduction to the why, what, and how of social procurement in Canada. It was developed by Buy Social Canada for several audiences: organizations taking the necessary […]

Implementation, Introduction
Guide to Social Enterprise: Plan, sustain and grow your impact with a social enterprise business plan
Social enterprise is the business model of the future. The Guide to Social Enterprise will support you to plan, sustain or grow your social enterprise activity and impact. Who the […]

Community Benefits in Construction: Mandate, Design and Implement Guide
Construction projects influence our communities beyond the physical structures they build. They also impact local economies and labour markets, whether intended or not. If these impacts are considered with positive […]

Implementation, Introduction
Sell with Impact: Buy Social Canada Social Enterprise Snapshot 2023
Social enterprise is a powerful business model to tackle the challenges our economy and communities are facing today. Buy Social Canada sees the movement for social enterprise growing steadily as […]

Buy with Impact 2023 Snapshot
The progress of social procurement across Canada is unprecedented and encouraging. People and organizations are working together to add value to procurement in multiple ways; through social procurement, Indigenous procurement, […]

Sell with Impact: Stories and Research from the Canadian Social Enterprise Sector
Social enterprises sell goods and services and reinvest their profits into their social, environmental or cultural mission. New research from Buy Social Canada busts myths about social enterprises and shows […]

Implementation, Introduction
Guide to Social Procurement in Tourism, Hospitality and Events
Every purchase has an economic, environmental, cultural and social impact, whether intended or not. Social procurement is about capturing those impacts and seeking to make intentional positive contributions to both […]

Self-Attestation: Removing Barriers to Diversity in Supply Chains
New research from AnchorTO and Buy Social Canada explores methods to increase supplier diversity. Increased inclusion of diverse-owned and social enterprise suppliers is critical for social procurement success. To support […]

Implementation, Introduction
Using the Power of Purchasing: A Simple Guide to Co-op Procurement
In partnership with Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada, we’re happy to share “Using the Power of Purchasing: A Simple Guide to Co-op Procurement.” This guide provides you with the concepts and process […]

Implementation, Introduction
Utiliser le pouvoir d’achat: Un guide simple pour l’approvisionnement coopératif (Français)
En partenariat avec Coopératives et mutuelles Canada, nous sommes fiers de lancer le document « Utiliser le pouvoir d’achat : Un guide simple pour l’approvisionnement auprès des coopératives ». Ce guide […]

Implementation, Introduction
Buy with Impact: Social Procurement in Canada 2022 Report
The progress of social procurement across Canada is unprecedented and encouraging. People and organizations are working together to add value to procurement in multiple ways; through Indigenous procurement, sustainable procurement, […]

Social Procurement Myths and Facts
There are several common myths about social procurement. Read this PDF to get the facts, and resources for further learning.

Destination Vancouver Tourism, Hospitality and Events Social Procurement Survey and Report 2022
Buy Social Canada was contracted by Destination Vancouver to produce this survey and report, with the goal of identifying across Destination Vancouver’s membership the current number of organizations that identify […]

Social Value Menu for Goods & Services
This Social Value Menu will help you design, evaluate and implement the inclusion of a social value into your procurement process. If you are purchasing goods and services for businesses, […]

Implementation, Introduction
Voices of Industry: A Paradigm Shift in CBAs
Community Benefit Agreements (CBAs) have seen a variety of construction industry responses, including an initial sector pushback to perceived issues of added costs and implementation inefficiencies. At the same time, […]

Trade Agreements Local Briefing Note
A frequently asked question by organizations beholden to the trade agreements for certain procurements is “Can you include questions about, or requirements for, local employment or procurement where the trade […]

Implementation, Introduction
Training: Social Procurement Professional Certificate
This certificate program has been developed to provide both private and public sector participants with in-depth knowledge of the fundamental components of social procurement success.

City of Calgary Social Procurement Case Study
This case study details the process Buy Social Canada took in collaboration with the City of Calgary to add social value considerations to their Sustainable, Environmental & Ethical Procurement Policy […]

Guide sur l’approvisionnement social (Français)
Ce guide présente brièvement la raison d’être de l’approvissionnement social au Canada, son objet et sa mise en œuvre. Il s’adresse à plusieurs auditoires : les organismes qui prennent les mesures […]

Trade Agreements Primer
This primer provides a brief review of the key trade agreements that influence government procurement discretion, and how they affect social purchasing.

Implementation, Introduction
Construction and Infrastructure Guide to Social Procurement
In the Guide to Social Procurement in Construction and Infrastructure Projects we outline a path to increase the success of construction-based social procurement. The same process and guidelines in this […]

Social Enterprise Spotlight: Building Up (Video)
Video story about a certified social enterprise Building Up. They provide high quality work to customers, while providing long-term career pathways for motivated community members.

Social Value Menu – Community Employment Benefit Templates for Implementation
The Social Value Menu (CEB) will help you design, evaluate and implement a social value into your procurement process for goods and services or major infrastructure and developments for projects […]

Social Value Menu – Community Benefit Agreements Templates for Implementation
The Social Value Menu (CBA) will help you design, evaluate and implement a social value into your procurement process for goods and services or major infrastructure and developments.

Training: Social Procurement Introduction
This training is an introduction to social procurement covering the why, what and how including the evolution of social procurement, key concepts and best practice examples.

Training: Social Procurement Implementation
This training introduces the key steps to take social procurement from a concept to an implemented practice. Topics covered include policy and goal alignment, opportunity identification processes, drafting social value […]

Training: Social Procurement in Construction
Participants learn about the concepts of community benefit agreements (CBA) and an overview of the steps to integrate into the design, build and operations phases of development projects.

Marketplace Revolution by David LePage
It’s time to transcend the dogma and practices of extraction economics that result in social exclusion and income inequality. It’s time for social enterprise, social procurement, and social value finance […]

Supplier Guide to Social Procurement
The Supplier Guide flips the perspective of the existing demand-side Guide to Social Procurement to the supply-side. Following the social procurement user journey of Learn, Identify Opportunities, Discover, Respond and […]

Implementation, Introduction
Training: Procurement for Social Value Suppliers
Reach your procurement potential. At the end of this four-week, in-depth training you will finish the program with foundational tools to bid for contracts. Topics that will be covered include […]

Implementation, Introduction
Training: Storytelling for Social Value Suppliers
Become an impactful storyteller. This three-part, hands-on training will delve into the art and importance of storytelling through the unique lens of social value suppliers.

The History of Social Enterprise (Video)
Learn the dynamic history of how social enterprise came to be.

Social Enterprise Spotlight: Hives For Humanity (Video)
Hives for Humanity is a certified social enterprise in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver. They create flexible opportunities that support at-risk populations of people and pollinators. Some of these activities […]

Social Enterprise Spotlight: Infiniguard (Video)
Infiniguard is a security company that operates as a social enterprise based in Regent Park. They provide Free training and high-wage employment to at-risk youth, women and new immigrants. InfiniGuard […]

Social Enterprise Spotlight: SmartICE (Video)
Video story about a certified social enterprise SmartICE. SmartICE is committed to positive change and social innovation in the northern communities they serve.

Social Enterprise Spotlight: Mother Earth Reycling (Video)
Video story about a certified social enterprise Mother Earth Recycling. MER is an Indigenous owned & operated social enterprise in Winnipeg. They provide meaningful training and employment opportunities with a […]

Social Enterprise Spotlight: Redemptive Developments (Video)
Video story about a certified social enterprise Redemptive Developments based in Alberta. They offer a diverse and growing social enterprise portfolio, which is constantly evolving.

Social Enterprise Spotlight: The Binners’ Project (Video)
Video story about a certified social enterprise The Binners’ Project. They offer a services that aim with; social inclusion, waste-diversion and economic development.

Social Procurement creates best value for COVID-19 recovery (Video)
COVID-19 has affected the marketplace in a big way, but how can social procurement be a solution to build back better?

Buy Social Canada Social Procurement Policy
This Policy confirms Buy Social Canada’s commitment to building community capital through our procurement of goods and services.

Downtown Eastside Social Enterprise Impact Report
Our survey of 40 social enterprises in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside documented $26.5m in sales with $18.4m in wages. These enterprises have created over 2800 jobs, with 55% of full-time and […]

Exploring Social Procurement
Exploring Social Procurement examines an innovative market-based opportunity to create social impact through existing purchasing.

Buy Social Canada Summit Report
This report is based on information shared at the Buy Social Canada Summit in 2017. The four main themes of the Summit were: Government Social Procurement, Infrastructure and Community Benefit […]

Embers Staffing Solutions Story
This Buy Social Canada social procurement case study highlights how a community benefit agreement (CBA) can be leveraged to create employment opportunities and social impact on infrastructure projects.

Manitoba Housing Story
This Buy Social Canada social procurement case study highlights how government crown corporation can leverage its buying dollars to create employment opportunities for community members with barriers.

Montreal Story: L’économie sociale, j’achète (Français)
This Buy Social Canada social procurement case study demonstrates the importance of focusing both on supply and demand, while using an intermediary to build relationships between the two.

Histoire de logement Manitoba (Français)
Une histoire qui détaille la relation entre le gouvernment et une entreprise et comment cette relation crée des travails.

The Ottawa Housing Story
This Buy Social Canada social procurement case study highlights how a pilot project using discretionary funding allowed a social enterprise to scale and thrive.

Histoire de logement Ottawa (Français)
Une histoire de la relation entre la Province et une entreprise sociale. Un rapport sur le rendement social des investissement (RSI) conclut que pour chaque dollar investi, une valeur sociale […]

Eva’s Print Shop Story
This Buy Social Canada social procurement case study highlights how partnerships between corporations and social enterprises, such as this print shop, can provide employment opportunities for homeless and at-risk youth.

Social Purchasing Tool Overview
This presentation provides an overview of Ethelo, the social purchasingdecision-making tool that supports social purchasing policy design,criteria selection, and vendor bid review.